
You can upgrade firmware of Mixtile Core 3588E (hereinafter referred to as Core 3588E) using either an RK image or a raw image in Loader or MaskROM mode. This document describes how to upgrade the firmware of Core 3588E using a raw image on Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu in Loader and MaskROM modes.


Back up data before a firmware upgrade, because all user data is deleted after the firmware upgrade.


Core 3588E has three boot modes: Normal, Loader, and MaskROM. Loader and MaskROM modes are for firmware upgrade.



Upgrade tools


  • コア3588Eボード
  • A carrier board that is compatible with Jetson TX2 NX (carrier board Leetop A206 is used in this document)
  • A computer: Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu
  • A micro USB cable
  • A 2.54-mm jumper cap


1. Core 3588Eを、切り欠きを合わせてキャリアボードに固定します。その後、2本のネジを締めます。

図 1.Core 3588Eをキャリアボードに取り付ける

2. Connect one end of the power adapter to the power jack of the carrier board and the other end to a live outlet.

3. Connect one end of the micro USB cable to the micro USB port of the carrier board and the other end to your computer.

Figure 2. Connecting the power cable and the micro USB cable


Step 1. Enable Core 3588E to enter Loader mode

Choose one of the following two options:

Option 1: Unplug the power adapter, use the jumper cap to connect the FCREC そして GND pins, and plug the power adapter again.

Figure 3. Switching Core 3588E to Loader mode using a jumper cap

Option 2: If your computer has ADB tool, you can use this method. Specifically, download RKDevTool.zip and open it with administrator access. Click the ファームウェアのアップグレード tab and then the スイッチ button, as shown in the following figure. Then Core 3588E is switched to Loader mode.

Figure 4. Switching Core 3588E to Loader mode using RKDevTool

Step 2. Download tools

2.1 Click RKDevTool.zip to download the upgrade tool. If you choose the second option in the previous step, you can skip this step.

2.2 Click DriverAssistant_v5.1.1.zip to download the driver. Unzip and run DriverInstall.exe.

Figure 5. Installing the RK driver

Step 3. Upgrade raw image

3.1 Start the RKDevTool and select the 画像をダウンロード tab. Right-click an item and choose Clear Items from the short-cut menu to clear unnecessary items.

Figure 6. Clearing unnecessary items

3.2 Right-click an item and choose アイテムを追加 from the short-cut menu. Name this item as image. Click the blank cell of item イメージ on the right, and select the raw image in the displayed dialog box.

Figure 7. Selecting raw image

3.3 Select Write by Address and the newly added item. Then click 走る. The tool starts testing device and downloading image after testing success. Wait until 画像のダウンロード OK is displayed. Then, perform a power cycle of Core 3588E.

Figure 8. Download image OK


Step 1. Enable Core 3588E to enter Loader mode

Choose one of the following two options:

Option 1: Unplug the power adapter, use the jumper cap to connect the FCREC そして GND pins, and plug the power adapter again.

Figure 9. Switching Core 3588E to Loader mode using a jumper cap

Option 2: If your computer has ADB tool, start a terminal and input adb reboot loader.

Step 2. Download the upgrade tool and grant permission to it

2.1 Click upgrade_tool_v2.3_mac.zip をクリックしてアップグレードツールをダウンロードしてください。

2.2 Go to the folder アップグレードツール_v2.3_Mac after unzipping the package. Grant permission to the tool by running the sudo chmod u+x upgrade_tool コマンドを使用している。

2.3 次へナビゲートする システム環境設定 > セキュリティとプライバシー を実行し、このファイルがあなたのコンピューター上で実行されるようにします。

フォルダの下 アップグレードツール_v2.3_Mac, you can run the sudo ./upgrade_tool command to check whether Core 3588E has entered Loader mode. The following is an example of the command output:

Program Log will save in the /Users/mia/upgrade_tool/log/
List of rockusb connected
DevNo=1	Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=442	Mode=Loader	SerialNo=4998310c6679ec2
Found 1 rockusb,Select input DevNo,Rescan press <R>,Quit press <Q>:

Step 3. Upgrade raw image

3.1 Under the folder アップグレードツール_v2.3_Mac, run the sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 [image path].img command. The following is an example:

sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 /Users/mia/Downloads/image-release-core3588e-ubuntu22-rc-0.0.1-231114.img

Program Log will save in the /Users/mia/upgrade_tool/log/
Write LBA from file (10%)

3.2 After the terminal shows Write LBA from file (100%), run the following command to reset Core 3588E: 

sudo ./upgrade_tool rd


Step 1. Enable Core 3588E to enter Loader mode

選ぶ one of the following two options:

Option 1: Unplug the power adapter, connect the FCREC そして GND pins using the jumper cap, and plug the power adapter again.

Figure 10. Switching Core 3588E to Loader mode using a jumper cap

Option 2: If your computer has ADB tool, start a terminal and input adb reboot loader.

ステップ2.アップグレードツールをダウンロードする and grant permission to it

2.1 Click Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65.zip をクリックしてアップグレードツールをダウンロードしてください。

2.2 Go to the folder Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65 after unzipping the package. Grant permission to the tool by running the chmod u+x upgrade_tool コマンドを使用している。

フォルダの下 Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65, you can run the sudo ./upgrade_tool command to check whether Core 3588E has entered Loader mode. The following is an example of the command output:

Program Data in /usr/local/bin
List of rockusb connected
DevNo=1	Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=27	Mode=Loader	SerialNo=4998310c6679ec2
Found 1 rockusb,Select input DevNo,Rescan press <R>,Quit press <Q>:

Step 3. Upgrade firmware

3.1 Under the folder Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65, run the sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 [image path].img command. The following is an example:

sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 /media/psf/Home/Downloads/image-release-core3588e-ubuntu22-rc-0.0.1-231114.img

3.2 After the terminal shows Write LBA from file (100%), run the following command to reset Core 3588E: 

sudo ./upgrade_tool rd

Upgrade firmware in MaskROM mode


Step 1. Enable Core 3588E to enter MaskROM mode

1.1 Unplug the power adapter from the carrier board.

1.2 Keep short-circuiting the two solder joints on Core 3588E, and plug the power adapter again.

Figure 11. Position of solder joints


クリック RKDevTool.zip をクリックしてアップグレードツールをダウンロードしてください。


3.1 Start RKDevTool and select the 画像をダウンロード tab. Right-click an item and choose Clear Items from the short-cut menu to clear unnecessary items.

Figure 12. Clearing unnecessary items

3.2 ローダー on the right. In the dialog box that is displayed, select the target loader file.

3.3 Right-click an item and choose アイテムを追加 from the short-cut menu. Name this item as image. Click the blank cell of item イメージ on the right, and select the raw image in the displayed dialog box.

3.4 Select EMMC for ストレージ, and select the two items ローダー そして イメージ.

3.5 Select Write by Address and click 走る.

Figure 13. Selecting loader and image, and download image

The tool starts upgrading firmware, which takes a few minutes. Wait until the tool shows 画像のダウンロード OK.


Step 1. Enable Core 3588E to enter MaskROM mode

1.1 Unplug the power adapter from the carrier board.

1.2 Keep short-circuiting the two solder joints on Core 3588E, and plug the power adapter again.

Figure 14. Position of solder joints

Step 2. Download the upgrade tool and grant permission to it

2.1 Click upgrade_tool_v2.3_mac.zip をクリックしてアップグレードツールをダウンロードしてください。

2.2 Go to the folder アップグレードツール_v2.3_Mac after unzipping the package. Grant permission to upgrade_tool by running the command sudo chmod u+x upgrade_tool.

2.3 次へナビゲートする システム環境設定 > セキュリティとプライバシー を実行し、このファイルがあなたのコンピューター上で実行されるようにします。

フォルダの下 アップグレードツール_v2.3_Mac, you can run sudo ./upgrade_tool to check whether Core 3588E has entered MaskROM mode. The following is an example of the command output:

Program Log will save in the /Users/mia/upgrade_tool/log/
List of rockusb connected
DevNo=1	Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=442	Mode=Maskrom	SerialNo=4998310c6679ec2
Found 1 rockusb,Select input DevNo,Rescan press <R>,Quit press <Q>:

Step 3. Upgrade firmware

3.1 Under the folder アップグレードツール_v2.3_Mac以下のコマンドを実行する:

sudo ./upgrade_tool db [loader path]/rk3588_spl_loader_v1.07.111.bin

sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 [image path].img

The following is an example:

sudo ./upgrade_tool db /Users/mia/Downloads/rk3588_spl_loader_v1.07.111.bin

Program Log will save in the /Users/mia/upgrade_tool/log/
Download boot ok.
sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 /Users/mia/Downloads/image-release-core3588e-ubuntu22-rc-0.0.1-231114.img

Program Log will save in the /Users/mia/upgrade_tool/log/
Write LBA from file (30%)

3.2 After the terminal shows Write LBA from file (100%), run the following command to reset Core 3588E: 

sudo ./upgrade_tool rd


Step 1. Enable Core 3588E to enter MaskROM mode

1.1 Unplug the power adapter from the carrier board.

1.2 Keep short-circuiting the two solder joints on Core 3588E, and plug the power adapter again.

Figure 15. Position of solder joints

Step 2. Download the upgrade tool and grant permission to it

2.1 Click Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65.zip をクリックしてアップグレードツールをダウンロードしてください。

2.2 Go to the folder Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65 after unzipping the package. Grant permission to the tool by running the sudo chmod u+x upgrade_tool コマンドを使用している。

フォルダの下 Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65, you can run the sudo ./upgrade_tool command to check whether Core 3588E has entered MaskROM mode. The following is an example of the command output:

Program Data in /usr/local/bin
List of rockusb connected
DevNo=1	Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=27	Mode=Maskrom	SerialNo=4998310c6679ec2
Found 1 rockusb,Select input DevNo,Rescan press <R>,Quit press <Q>:

Step 3. Upgrade raw image

3.1 フォルダーに移動する Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.65 after unzipping the package, and run the following commands to start upgrading firmware:

sudo ./upgrade_tool db [loader path].bin

sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 [image path].img

The following is an example:

sudo ./upgrade_tool db /media/psf/Home/Downloads/rk3588_spl_loader_v1.07.111.bin

Not found config.ini
Program Data in /usr/local/bin
Download boot ok.
sudo ./upgrade_tool wl 0x0 /media/psf/Home/Downloads/image-release-core3588e-ubuntu22-rc-0.0.1-231114.img

Not found config.ini
Program Data in /usr/local/bin
Write LBA from file (3%)

3.2 After the terminal shows Write LBA from file (100%), run the following command to reset Core 3588E: 

sudo ./upgrade_tool rd
