This document explains how to set up internet connectivity over 4G on the Edge 2 board running the Debian Linux system. Follow the steps below to download the latest OS image, upgrade the firmware, select the cellular module, and connect to a 4G mobile network.
Step 1 Download the latest Debian system image
Download the latest Debian OS image for Edge 2 from the ファームウェア画像 page.
Step 2 Update the Edge 2 firmware
Follow Mixtile Edge 2キットへのオペレーティングシステムのインストール to upgrade Edge 2 with the Debian system image downloaded in step 1.
Step 3 Select the cellular module
Open a terminal and run the module selection script:
cd /usr/local/bin
Follow the prompts to choose the correct modem module.

Step 4. Connect to 4G Network
After Edge 2 restarts, run the dialer script to connect to the mobile network:
cd /etc/init.d
Edge 2 will now connect to the internet over the 4G network.