
その後 setting up connections of Core 3588E, you can log in to it on Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu using Android Debug Bridge (ADB), a serial debugging tool, or via SSH.

ADB is a command-line tool that enables a variety of functions, such as tracking system logs, uploading files and downloading files.

にログインする方法を説明します。 Core 3588E using ADB. For details about login using a serial communication tool and via SSH, refer to the following documents:


  • コア3588Eボード
  • A carrier board that is compatible with Jetson TX2 NX (Leeptop A206 is used in this document)
  • A computer: Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu
  • A micro USB cable
  • A power adapter packaged with Core 3588E



Connect one end of the micro USB cable to Core 3588E’s micro USB port and the other end to your computer.




1. ADBをダウンロードし、以下のようなカスタマイズされたインストール・ディレクトリにファイルを解凍する。 C:♪adb♪platform-tools.

2. Press ウィンドウズ+R to open 走る. Then enter sysdm.cpl を押してください。 入る.

3. Choose 上級 > 環境変数 > システム変数 > パス.

4. Create a directory C:♪adb♪platform-tools アンダー パス.


1. (Optional) Install Homebrew if it is not installed yet by running the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

2. Install ADB by running the following command:

brew install android-platform-tools


sudo apt update
sudo apt install android-tools-adb

ステップ 3.ADB接続ステータスを確認する

Run either of the following ADB commands to verify whether the ADB connection is successful:

adb devices
List of devices attached
04998310c6679ec2    device
adb shell

Other ADB commands

Besides adb devices そして adb shell, you can interact with Core 3588E through ADB by running other ADB commands, such as adb push, adb pullそして adb reboot.

adb push

You can copy files from a local computer to Core 3588E by running this command. The format is as follows:

adb push <local> <remote>


adb push /Users/mia/Documents/test_1.txt /home/mixtile

This copies the test_1.txt file from a local computer to the mixtile folder of Core 3588E.

adb pull

You can copy files from Core 3588E to a local computer by running this command. The format is as follows:

adb pull <remote> <local> 


adb pull /home/mixtile/test_2.txt  /Users/mia/Downloads

This copies the test_2.txt file from Core 3588E to the Downloads folder of a local computer.

adb reboot

You can remotely reboot Core 3588E by running this command.

adb reboot

When upgrading the firmware of Core 3588E, you can enable it to enter Loader mode by adding the loader parameter:

adb reboot loader

For details about upgrading the firmware of Core 3588E in Loader mode, see Upgrade firmware in Loader mode.

