Creating a Simple Docker Home Server
on Ubuntu 22.04.4

1. Starting from Scratch

If you already have Ubuntu 22.04 installed on your Blade 3, you can skip to step 2.

I used Mixtile’s guides to upgrade the Blade 3 firmware using “Raw Image”: Updating Firmware with MaskROM Mode. You can find the guide at:

This involves imaging the Blade 3 by connecting it to another PC via the USB-C data port. I used my Mac and got the Blade 3 imaged with the ubuntu-22.04.2-preinstalled-desktop image as per the guide.

2. Prepping Ubuntu

Update your system by running the following commands in the terminal:

'sudo apt update'
'sudo apt upgrade'

Then, use the Ubuntu Software Updater to update to version 22.04.4.

3. Install Docker

Docker is a platform that allows you to develop, ship, and run applications inside containers. Here’s how to install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04.4:

Step 3.1: Install Prerequisites

Before installing Docker, make sure your system has the necessary prerequisites by running the following command:

'sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common'

Step 3.2: Add Docker’s Official GPG Key

Add Docker’s official GPG key to ensure the authenticity of the Docker packages by running the following command:

'curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg'

Step 3.3: Set Up the Docker Repository

Add the Docker repository to the APT sources by running the following command:

'echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null'

Step 3.4: Install Docker Engine

Update the package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repository by running the following command:

 'sudo apt update' 

Use Docker’s Convenience Script:

'curl -fsSL -o'
'sudo sh'

Step 3.5: Verify Docker Installation

Check that Docker is installed correctly by running the hello-world image:

 'sudo docker run hello-world' 

This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs, it prints a confirmation message and exits.

Step 3.6: Manage Docker as a Non-Root User

To avoid typing すど whenever you run the docker command, add your username to the Docker group:

 'sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}' 

Apply the new group membership:

 'su - ${USER}' 

Ensure Docker starts on boot and start the Docker service:

'sudo systemctl enable docker'
'sudo systemctl start docker'

4. Install Jellyfin

Jellyfin is an open-source media server that allows you to manage and stream your media files.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Create Directories for Configuration and Data:

'mkdir -p ~/jellyfin/config'
'mkdir -p ~/jellyfin/cache'

2. Run Jellyfin Container:

'docker run -d --name=jellyfin -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e TZ=Etc/UTC -p 8096:8096 -p 8920:8920 -v ~/jellyfin/config:/config -v ~/jellyfin/cache:/cache -v /path/to/your/media:/media --restart unless-stopped jellyfin/jellyfin'

Access Jellyfin Interface:

Open your web browser and navigate to http://YOUR_DOCKER_IP:8096 to access the Jellyfin web interface.

5. Install Pi-hole Using Docker

Remove Existing Pi-hole Container:

'docker stop pihole'
'docker rm pihole'

Create Directories for Configuration and Data:

'mkdir -p ~/pihole/etc-dnsmasq.d'
'mkdir -p ~/pihole/etc-pihole'

Run Pi-hole Container with Alternate Ports:

'docker run -d --name pihole -p 5454:53/tcp -p 5454:53/udp -p 8181:80/tcp -e TZ="Etc/UTC" -v ~/pihole/etc-pihole:/etc/pihole -v ~/pihole/etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d --dns= --dns= --restart=unless-stopped pihole/pihole'

Accessing Pi-hole Web Interface

Open your web browser and navigate to http://YOUR_DOCKER_IP:8181/admin to access the Pi-hole web interface.

6. Install Nextcloud

Create Configuration and Data Directories:

'mkdir -p ~/nextcloud/data'
'mkdir -p ~/nextcloud/config'
'mkdir -p ~/nextcloud/apps'

Run Nextcloud Container with Unique Ports:

'docker run -d --name nextcloud -p 8081:80 -v ~/nextcloud/data:/var/www/html/data -v ~/nextcloud/config:/var/www/html/config -v ~/nextcloud/apps:/var/www/html/apps --restart unless-stopped nextcloud'

Setting or Resetting the Pi-hole Admin Password

Set or Reset the Password: Run the following command to set or reset the Pi-hole admin password:

 'docker exec -it pihole pihole -a -p' 

Enter the New Password: You will be prompted to enter a new password. Enter the password you wish to use for the Pi-hole admin interface.

Access Nextcloud Interface:

Open your web browser and navigate to http://YOUR_DOCKER_IP:8081


Dual-Wielding Dad

YouTuber focusing on open-source tech for everyday people. East Carolina University College of Engineering & Technology alumnus.