エッジAIボックス Powered by Mixtile Edge 2

Mixtile provides an AI box project that allows you perform object detection for the use cases below at a time:

  • Detect fire/smoke.
  • Detect falldown.
  • Count people.

The detection results are categorized for each use case. In addition, we also provide a unified results for you to view the comprehensive situation.

You can follow this tutorial to set up the Mixtile AI box project on Mixtile Edge 2 Kit (also known as Edge 2) and perform inference.


  1. インストール Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop on Edge 2 (see Mixtile Edge 2キットへのオペレーティングシステムのインストール).
  2. Connect Edge 2 to the Internet.

Setting up AI box

  1. Install dependencies:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake libopencv-dev libjsoncpp-dev
  2. Clone project repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Buyuliang/aiBox.git
  3. Build the aibox executable file:

    cd aiBox
    bash build.sh

    If Build and installation completed successfully is displayed, the aibox executable file is built to the install directory successfully:

    ├── aibox
    ├── lib
    │   ├── librga.so
    │   └── librknnrt.so
    └── model
        ├── coco_80_labels_list.txt
        ├── falldet.rknn
        ├── firesmoke.rknn
        └── perdet.rknn

Performing inference

Now that you have compiled the aibox executable file, you can run it as follows:

cd install
./aibox video-input # replace video-input with the actual video source.

# Example:
./aibox ../sources/fire.mp4

Input description

video-input: video source to perform inference on. Supported values:

  • Video file
  • USB camera (e.g., /dev/video1)
  • RTSP camera (e.g., rtsp://camera-ip-address:554/stream1)

Output description

This command outputs PNG images and relevant JSON files to install/output:

├── falldet # people falldown results
├── firesmokedet # fire and smoke results
│   ├── 20241029111828.json # inference results in json
│   ├── 20241029111828.png # inference results in png
│   ├── 20241029111829.json
│   ├── 20241029111829.png
│   ├── 20241029111830.json
│   ├── 20241029111830.png
│   ├── 20241029111831.json
│   ├── 20241029111831.png
│   ├── 20241029111832.json
│   └── 20241029111832.png
├── perdet # people count results
└── result # unified results for falldown, fire and smoke, and people count
    ├── 20241029111828.json
    ├── 20241029111828.png
    ├── 20241029111829.json
    ├── 20241029111829.png
    ├── 20241029111830.json
    ├── 20241029111830.png
    ├── 20241029111831.json
    ├── 20241029111831.png
    ├── 20241029111832.json
    └── 20241029111832.png

You can go to these directories to look at the output images and JSON files. For more information about the output, see Inference examples.

If your source is from a USB or RTSP camera, it keeps outputting files to the output folder until you stop the terminal.

Inference examples


Commands below perform inference on video files. You can use other video sources, such as a USB camera videos, as you like.

Counting people

Run this command to try out the people count feature:

./aibox ../sources/people.mp4

If people appear in the pre-configured green area, results will be saved to install/output/perdet, including images with the count numbers and the corresponding JSON files.

Output image:

注: Count: 3 indicates three people appear in the green area.

Snippet of an output JSON:

        "height": 77.448562622070312,
        "id": 1,
        "width": 40.873950958251953,
        "x": 621.55810546875,
        "y": 363.69189453125
        "height": 88.120887756347656,
        "id": 2,
        "width": 46.946933746337891,
        "x": 763.70953369140625,
        "y": 310.00149536132812
        "height": 91.801826477050781,
        "id": 3,
        "width": 43.065662384033203,
        "x": 542.39923095703125,
        "y": 360.87911987304688

Detecting fire and smoke

Run this command to try out fire and smoke detection:

./aibox ../sources/fire.mp4

If smoke or fire is detected, results will be saved to install/output/firesmokedet, including images with fire or smoke, and the corresponding JSON files.

Output image:

Output JSON:

        "height": 150.0,
        "id": "fire",
        "width": 211.0,
        "x": 46.0,
        "y": 219.0
        "height": 121.0,
        "id": "smoke",
        "width": 226.0,
        "x": 320.0,
        "y": 220.0

Detecting falldown

Run this command to try out falldown detection:

./aibox ../sources/falldown.mp4

If someone falls, results will be saved to install/output/falldet, including the falldown images and the corresponding JSON files.

Output image:

Note: The black rectangle with the number 0 indicates falldown is detected.

Output JSON:

        "height": 229.0,
        "id": 0,
        "width": 440.0,
        "x": 13.0,
        "y": 293.0

Unified inference: count people and detect falldown

In the Detecting falldown example above, the falldown.mp4 video actually has people to count そして people falldown at the same time. In this case, Mixtile AI box detects falldown and also counts people, and then not only outputs the results to the standalone install/output/falldet そして install/output/perdet directories, but also provides unified results in install/output/result as follows:

Unified output image:

This image contains results for both people count and falldown:

  • The black rectangle with the number 0 indicates falldown is detected.
  • Count: 1 indicates 1 person appears in the specified green area.

Unified output JSON:

    "RegionCoun" : 1,
    "fallDetections" : 
            "height" : 244.0,
            "id" : 0,
            "width" : 627.0,
            "x" : 197.0,
            "y" : 256.0
    "frameID" : 246,
    "personDetections" : 
            "height" : 295.62838745117188,
            "id" : 1,
            "width" : 524.926513671875,
            "x" : 221.60183715820312,
            "y" : 235.85356140136719
