Login Using SSH

You can log in to Mixtile Edge 2 Kit on Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu using Android Debug Bridge (ADB), a serial communication tool, or SSH.

This document describes how to log in to Mixtile Edge 2 Kit using SSH. 


  • A computer that runs Windows, macOS, or Linux
  • A Mixtile Edge 2 Kit
  • An Ethernet cable


Step 1. Find the IP address of Mixtile Edge 2 Kit

Any device connected to a Local Area Network (LAN) is assigned an IP address. You can find your IP address either via the router device list or by running ifconfig in a terminal.

Step 2. Log in to Mixtile Edge 2 Kit using SSH

2.1 Run ssh username@edge2-IP-address to log in, for example, ssh mixtile@

2.2 Input the password of Mixtile Edge 2 Kit (defaults to mixtile).

ssh mixtile@ # replace the IP address with the actual one.
mixtile@'s password: # enter the password

What you can do next

After logging into Mixtile Edge 2, you can perform operations based on your requirements, such as checking device information, installing or uninstalling software, editing configuration files, and starting or stopping services.

Check device information

cat /etc/os-release
cat /var/log/syslog

Install or uninstall software

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install [software name]
sudo apt uninstall [software name]

Edit configuration files

vi [file path]

Start or stop services

sudo systemctl start [service name]
sudo systemctl stop [service name]
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